Whether you’re a skeptic, believer, or anything in between, we are so glad you’re interested in getting to know us. We would love to get to know you, too! Wherever you are in your journey, The Adventure welcomes you. Here are some helpful things to know about us.

Here at The Adventure, we believe in:

worshiping jesus

We gather together every Saturday (or Sabbath, as we like to call it) morning at 11:15am to worship Jesus through prayer, preaching, and music. It’s important to us to worship in other ways, too, like celebration, collective meals, studying the Bible, helping our community, and providing a fun and safe space for kids.

To find out more about the ways we worship Jesus, check out our worship page.

growing in jesus

Something crucial to a life with Jesus is continuing to grow in knowledge of him and practice of his ways, sometimes called discipleship. We are excited to be offering several courses for our church that help us to explore what it really means to follow Jesus.

To find out more about these courses, check out our discipleship tab.

sharing jesus

It has been said that “evangelism is just one beggar telling another where he found bread.” We believe that the good news of Jesus isn’t just for us, but for everyone. We want to share the gospel with our community, whether it requires words or not.

To find out more about how we share Jesus, check out our community page.